Why can’t we listen to music? Hmm good question.. Let us make a list the reasons why can’t we listen to it n why do we want to listen to it..
Why can’t we listen to it?
1) Allah has said :
“Let not believers take disbelievers as allies [i.e. supporters or protectors] rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing [i.e. no association] with Allah, except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination.” (ali imran:28)
*Allah has warned us. So, why must we take them [the disbelievers] as our idol? ya maybe we don’t really call them “idol” but surely we can justify that. The word idolize means love or admire excessively. Spend our money on them. Don’t we call it excessive?
2) Jew a.k.a. YAHUDI
-economy: most of the recording companies are owned by Jews. So, why do we have to contribute money to them, who killed our brothers n sisters in Palestine and elsewhere? Ok, even if we just listen to mp3 which means that we don’t buy their cassettes or cds. But, by just listening to them indicate that we are promoting them even if it is unintentionally ight?
-backmasking: don’t laugh when I told u that even song for cartoon series have that. (eg: pokemon song. When we backmask it, it sounds “I love satan.. I love satan….” Astaghfirullahalazim…
3) Becoming negligent
While indulging ourselves to music, we could easily become negligent because the music is so ‘syok’ to be listened to. Furthermore, it looks cool what? What is the definition of cool to ALLAH huh?
4) Does not reminding us to ALLAH
HE is the Creator of all. So we have to remember HIM every single second I suppose. Is that rite?
5) We have alternative
Yes of course! What else? Nasyidlah.. Why don’t we spend our money for Raihan rather then Mariah Carey the disbeliever?
Why do we want to listen to it?
1) Just for entertainment..Is that wrong?
“O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [n perfectly] n do not follow the footsteps of satan. Indeed, he is to u a clear enemy.” (al baqarah:208)
“The ones who prefer the worldly life over the Hereafter and avert [people] from the way of ALLAH, seeking to make it [seem] deviant. Those are in extreme error.” (ibrahim:3)
*Tips how to justify what is wrong n what is right to do:
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (adh dhariyat:56)
So justify what we do based on this particular ALLAH’s words. Can listen to linkin park or anuar zain be considered as worshipping HIM? Surely an open heart could answer this correctly ;-)
1 comment:
Mari Berhibur
Album : Demi Masa
Munsyid : Raihan
Berhibur tiada salahnya
Kerna hiburan itu indah
Hanya pabila salah memilihnya
Membuat kita jadi bersalah
Di sini kita berkumpul bersama
Menyanyikan lagu yang suci indah
Alunan pujian kepada Alloh
Alunan sholawat kepada Rosul
Di sini kita berkumpul bersama
Menyanyikan lagu yang suci indah
Alunan pujian kepada Alloh
Alunan sholawat kepada Rosul
Hiburkan hati yang masih gelisah
Obati hati yang terluka
Ikat kembali persahabatan
dengan iman dan kasih sayang
Berhibur tiada salahnya
Kerna hiburan itu indah
Hanya pabila salah memilihnya
Membuat kita jadi bersalah
Bersungguh kita dalam bekerja
Seperti hidup selamanya
Beramal sholeh sebaiknya
Seolah esok sudah tiada
Di sini kita berkumpul bersama
Menyanyikan lagu yang suci indah
Alunan pujian kepada Alloh
Alunan sholawat kepada Rosul
Hiburkan hati yang masih gelisah
Obati hati yang terluka
Ikat kembali persahabatan
dengan iman dan kasih sayang
Berhibur tiada salahnya
Kerna hiburan itu indah
Hanya pabila salah memilihnya
Membuat kita jadi bersalah
Berhibur tiada salahnya
Kerna hiburan itu indah
Hanya pabila salah memilihnya
Membuat kita jadi bersalah
Berhibur tiada salahnya
Kerna hiburan itu indah
Hanya pabila salah memilihnya
Membuat kita jadi bersalah
Berhibur tiada salahnya
Kerna hiburan itu indah
Hanya pabila salah memilihnya
Membuat kita jadi bersalah
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